Our brands

Jan Zandbergen Group offers a wide range of meat brands, including 1788, Charrua, Evita’s Choice, Chevide, Emperor’s Choice, Roosterz&Co, PLNT, Arena Montaña, Lebon, The Veggie Lovers, and many others. We also offer various products from partners. We are also the exclusive distributor of the brands Natures Reserve and Moving Mountains. The offering is unique due to the high quality, sustainability, exclusivity, and diversity of products available for different markets. From high-quality beef and lamb to meat substitutes and convenience products: Jan Zandbergen Group has been the ‘preferred partner’ in the meat and meat alternatives market for years. With brands that focus on different segments, Jan Zandbergen Group offers a matching and quality product for every customer and every budget.

Partner brands - Beef

Partner brands - Lamb & Sheep

Partner brands - Chicken